The Confidence through Confidence Program has many different facets and sub programs with in it.
This program is designed by a rural, out of the box thinking, Prep to year 12 teacher who is passionate about developing Confidence Through Competence. The program encompasses tasks and lessons to develop life skills, increase social and community participation, confidence building, and engaging disengaged youth with a strong focus on respectful independence. The program is known to help improve relationships, build self awareness and help self regulation as well as understanding energy projection, personality profiling and different ways to communicate. It also focuses on developing skills to increase independence and become job ready with more confidence to pursue passions and dreams.
Different programs are;
"Growing Skills"
"Seed Sow Sprout Grow"
"Reduce Reuse Recycle"
"Rural Resilience"
This program is designed by a rural, out of the box thinking, Prep to year 12 teacher who is passionate about developing Confidence Through Competence. The program encompasses tasks and lessons to develop life skills, increase social and community participation, confidence building, and engaging disengaged youth with a strong focus on respectful independence. The program is known to help improve relationships, build self awareness and help self regulation as well as understanding energy projection, personality profiling and different ways to communicate. It also focuses on developing skills to increase independence and become job ready with more confidence to pursue passions and dreams.
Different programs are;
"Growing Skills"
"Seed Sow Sprout Grow"
"Reduce Reuse Recycle"
"Rural Resilience"
The Confidence through Competence Program allows participants to take part in skills-based learning to develop independence in accessing the community through building confidence and skills in a safe and private space first and foremost. It is also a program to prepare and help participants through their transitions in various life stages. It is a popular program for work experience, job ready, or gaining skills in a variety of fields.
These programs are popular for NDIS, families, small school groups, disengaged youth, job ready participants, and anyone looking to build connections, communication, team building and confidence outside the four walls of a classroom or workplace. These Programs are also extremely beneficial for people who need to understand their energy and ways to self regulate and develop life skills outside the four walls of a therapists room to communicate effectively.
These programs also teaches participants the importance of becoming a more self-sufficient community. We are forever learning the impacts of biodiversity and figuring out how to create an environment that is balanced, healthy and alive! Being in the outdoors in a quiet surrounding is very calming for people who may struggle to experience and understand the feeling of calm in their life, this allows the best possible outcomes for the program and personal development.
These programs are popular for NDIS, families, small school groups, disengaged youth, job ready participants, and anyone looking to build connections, communication, team building and confidence outside the four walls of a classroom or workplace. These Programs are also extremely beneficial for people who need to understand their energy and ways to self regulate and develop life skills outside the four walls of a therapists room to communicate effectively.
These programs also teaches participants the importance of becoming a more self-sufficient community. We are forever learning the impacts of biodiversity and figuring out how to create an environment that is balanced, healthy and alive! Being in the outdoors in a quiet surrounding is very calming for people who may struggle to experience and understand the feeling of calm in their life, this allows the best possible outcomes for the program and personal development.
The Confidence through Competence Program "GROWING SKILLS" program focuses on allowing participants to take part in skills-based learning while assisting the development of, and increasing, a participant’s skills and/or capacity for independence and community participation. The program develops awareness of body language & energy projection, teaching participants emotional regulation and communication skills in a fun and safe environment through a multiple of different scenarios, tasks and projects. The program focuses on the cognitive, physical and emotional benefits of the participant through building confidence in daily life skills. The program is designed to mentor and build relationships and trust, in self, and others while building an array of hands on and everyday life skills for independence. Our program builds competence through doing and through our close mentoring, nurturing guidance to build confidence by having a go. We work with the participant's interests, NDIS goals and how they arrive on the day to individualise and tailor the tasks, projects and challenges for them to gain the best outcome from the lesson each visit.
Confidence through Competence Program "SEED SOW SPROUT GROW"
This program is for people who would like to spend time on themselves to grow in everyday life skills and personal growth while being in the outdoors. 'Seed, Sow Sprout, Grow'-Metaphorically speaking, the visitors to this program are the seeds, and the program helps them sow, sprout and grow as an individual or within the group socially through new or re-established relationships and connections. Seed, Sow Sprout, grow is designed to allow participants to break free from the workaholic, systematic routine of weekly family life and enjoy some quality time outdoors. The program is aimed at reconnecting parents/ carers with their children/participant with wholesome, quality fun outdoor activities. Participants are encouraged but not forced to interact with some of our farm animals potter, tinker, create, build, paint, dig, grow and form new friendships with like-minded people who are looking to embrace more dirt time and less screen time. The program predominantly uses the community farm vegetable garden to facilitate all aspects of the program, using the participants interests, creativity, skills and knowledge in a nurturing and encouraging environment. The participants, will brainstorm, facilitate, share skills and knowledge to develop ideas and work together to sow and develop exciting enriching projects for the community garden. Participants will then sprout their ideas and bring to life their projects through creating, building and transforming old to new, dirt to growth, all the while forming and sprouting new friendships and social connections in a fun, relaxed and private environment.
From week to week, knowledge and skills will be shared and passed down through the groups who visit. The garden itself as well as the new friendships and connections will continue to evolve and grow as will the sense of community connection, sense of place, pride and ownership with each project and tasks.
This program is for people who would like to spend time on themselves to grow in everyday life skills and personal growth while being in the outdoors. 'Seed, Sow Sprout, Grow'-Metaphorically speaking, the visitors to this program are the seeds, and the program helps them sow, sprout and grow as an individual or within the group socially through new or re-established relationships and connections. Seed, Sow Sprout, grow is designed to allow participants to break free from the workaholic, systematic routine of weekly family life and enjoy some quality time outdoors. The program is aimed at reconnecting parents/ carers with their children/participant with wholesome, quality fun outdoor activities. Participants are encouraged but not forced to interact with some of our farm animals potter, tinker, create, build, paint, dig, grow and form new friendships with like-minded people who are looking to embrace more dirt time and less screen time. The program predominantly uses the community farm vegetable garden to facilitate all aspects of the program, using the participants interests, creativity, skills and knowledge in a nurturing and encouraging environment. The participants, will brainstorm, facilitate, share skills and knowledge to develop ideas and work together to sow and develop exciting enriching projects for the community garden. Participants will then sprout their ideas and bring to life their projects through creating, building and transforming old to new, dirt to growth, all the while forming and sprouting new friendships and social connections in a fun, relaxed and private environment.
From week to week, knowledge and skills will be shared and passed down through the groups who visit. The garden itself as well as the new friendships and connections will continue to evolve and grow as will the sense of community connection, sense of place, pride and ownership with each project and tasks.
Confidence through Competence Program "Reduce Reuse Recycle"
This program is all about exposing participants to ideas and ways for keeping waste out of land fill, to reuse and recycle what we can and how we can implement trash to treasure. We also focus to create community ties, such as working with Reviva Ibis in Rockhampton for items for new projects. In this program we find a need, we plan, we source and most importantly we reuse and recycle to create.
This program provides individual life skills development, exploring creativity and development of skills and personal growth through nurturing confidence building. It also helps develop skills for community, social and recreational participation as often we are off site working with community organisations or working as small mixed groups on projects on site. This is a popular program for school groups, NDIS participants and anyone who would like to contribute to the overall projects of the different areas and programs of the centre.
This program is all about exposing participants to ideas and ways for keeping waste out of land fill, to reuse and recycle what we can and how we can implement trash to treasure. We also focus to create community ties, such as working with Reviva Ibis in Rockhampton for items for new projects. In this program we find a need, we plan, we source and most importantly we reuse and recycle to create.
This program provides individual life skills development, exploring creativity and development of skills and personal growth through nurturing confidence building. It also helps develop skills for community, social and recreational participation as often we are off site working with community organisations or working as small mixed groups on projects on site. This is a popular program for school groups, NDIS participants and anyone who would like to contribute to the overall projects of the different areas and programs of the centre.
Confidence through Competence Program "Rural Resilience"- Coming soon in 2025
There is a shortage of staff in the agriculture industry at the present time. The peak bodies managing the food supply chain estimate that we are 172,000 workers short from paddock to plate. We believe that running a program which provides basic entry level skills for at risk youth would be a way to fill some of this gap and provide some vulnerable youth an opportunity to have a meaningful career.
The program aims to take vulnerable and at risk youth out of or prevent from entering the youth justice system and give them career pathways within the agriculture industry. The program will work closely with Child Safety, Youth Justice, and Education to provide ongoing support and mentorship with the stake holders in agriculture. The program is a hands on rural skills program which will encompass horse ground skills, blacksmithing, horse dentistry, rural farm skills for everyday life on the land as well as learning to ride a horse.
There is a shortage of staff in the agriculture industry at the present time. The peak bodies managing the food supply chain estimate that we are 172,000 workers short from paddock to plate. We believe that running a program which provides basic entry level skills for at risk youth would be a way to fill some of this gap and provide some vulnerable youth an opportunity to have a meaningful career.
The program aims to take vulnerable and at risk youth out of or prevent from entering the youth justice system and give them career pathways within the agriculture industry. The program will work closely with Child Safety, Youth Justice, and Education to provide ongoing support and mentorship with the stake holders in agriculture. The program is a hands on rural skills program which will encompass horse ground skills, blacksmithing, horse dentistry, rural farm skills for everyday life on the land as well as learning to ride a horse.
When Participants work through our programs they may increase awareness own needs and feelings, building empathy and reducing aggressive behaviour, anxiety and avoidance behaviour which can help their own personal everyday lives, emotions and self regulation and increase their communication, confidence and understanding of different personalities. It is our intention to provide opportunities to experience the farm whereby participants can be exposed to many different skills and projects and hopefully they can connect with something they like or interests them and may pursue this further in the future. "The sky is the limit".
We pride ourselves on providing this program to assist participants to build skills and capacity to become independent in developing life skills, increasing social skills for participation in community and social activities away from the centre into their everyday life and future endeavours.
We pride ourselves on providing this program to assist participants to build skills and capacity to become independent in developing life skills, increasing social skills for participation in community and social activities away from the centre into their everyday life and future endeavours.